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7 Ways to Boost Your Sex Life, Minus Your Man

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Appetizers are supposed to be as titillating as the main course. If this is the rule of thumb in most restaurants, this goes the same for your sex life. There are several ways to boost your sex life without the help of your man. It is much easier if your significant other is with you on the job, but not just yet.

womanBefore the main event, there are a few things a woman can do in preparation to improve the best time with her partner a little later.

Food tasting can be pleasurable in a sense, but your sex activities are a hundred times better. Sex can become boring when it’s done as a routine.

At the very least, a sexual woman should spend time prepping and improving herself to improve her lovemaking skills.

At the end of the day, she’s doing this for the love of her man. You can maximize those passionate encounters when you are in the mood for a diversion, thought about it well, and did all the necessary preparations to achieve the goal of perfecting the bedroom scene. Prepare yourself for more fun in bed aside from the ordinary, the usual, and the routine life activities by trying the following seven tips.

1. Eat Lots Of Libido-Boosting Foods.

oystersThere is a marketful of staples that have been proven to increase a woman’s sexual desire. These foods are those that are rich in zinc, B-vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Zinc in garlic, oysters and dark chocolate are greatest aphrodisiacs which generate that “in love” feeling among women.

B-Vitamins in banana, avocado and other fruits rich in enzymes boosts endorphins, which enhance your mood, making your ready for sex.

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Omega-3 in salmon, mackerel, and other fish with red meats increases blood flow, which pumps up your steamy sensuality. On top of being the healthiest choice, these are all natural sex drive boosters that will definitely be beneficial to you, and to your partner when the time calls for it.

So go ahead, visit the market and get yourself a few of these libido-boosters to get yourself the health and great sex you so much deserve.

2. Go For A Relaxation Massage Or Steam Bath.

Relaxation MassageDe-stress and free your mind of any worries. Temporarily forget anything that concerns or bothers you at home, the office or with the kids.

The stress hormone, cortisol, suppresses estrogen production, which eventually robs you of your sex drive.

Visit a steam room, take a long hot bath, or get a whole body massage, which eliminates the secretion of bad hormones and in turn, increases sexual stimulation.

Let your thoughts drift away without thinking of anything, not even your man, and restore the energy you spent during the day. Now, get up, head on to the nearest spa and as much as possible release all those unhealthy situations that had been bugging you.

3. Watch Scary or Thriller Movies

Watch Scary or Thriller MoviesThese movies shoot up your level of adrenaline. The aftereffect of you having had your blood circulating and your heart pumping big time will put you an higher level of excitement, which will definitely make you do things you never thought possible.

The experience will give you that amorous feeling, which eventually stimulates you to hit the bed with your partner.

Inspired by the thrill you have seen in those movies, your sexual arousal can be too much to handle. That creepy feeling turns up your drive for a cuddle, and more.

Come on, sit back, and see the latest thriller or horror movie on your DVR, and let yourself drown in the spooky feelings as the show progresses towards the ending. Then grab him by the hand and head to the bedroom.

4. Take Some Alone Time

Get on a train or a busTake a day off. Get on a train or a bus and ride towards somewhere, so you can have some time on your own. No phone calls to answer.

No house chores to deal with. No acquaintances to talk to. Disappear and be missed. Let your partner have the diversion of not seeing you for a short time.

This will make him look forward to the time he sees you again and the feeling will make him crave you.

Just the same, you will have a similar craving to spend more time with him when you get back. This being alone is an initial step for you to be cherished by your partner. Let go, be free of your daily strife. Leave things as is. It will be the same when you get back anyway; your house, your officemates and your friends.

5. Seek Some White Noise

Turn off the electricalsTurn off the electricals. Don’t play any music. Assume electricity is not discovered yet.

Do the old school entertainment when the world has not seen the high-end media brought about by hi-fidelity creations, television sets, gadgets and smart phones.

Simple and common background noises like water dripping from the faucet, cooking, and kitchen utensils clanking, while you move about preparing food, creates those traditional good-feeling sounds, which will do great conditioning to the mind.

Get out and listen to the ocean wavesThis will make your partner look at you differently. The attention of your man will be on you and nothing else. Get out and listen to the ocean waves, the buzzing bees, the blowing winds or the singing birds. Those plain scenes on your television tube are just an imitation of the beautiful things around you – the real things.

6. Dress to Kill

put on that little black dressGo about dressing up for no one in particular. Ditch off your daily house duster, or your boring shirt and pants pair.

Let’s say, put on that little black dress, wear a little make up, put your hair in a sexy bun and add some sparkling jewelry. As long as you do not overdo it, your partner will think that’s something’s going on.

That will get him excited, just as it will get you to go simply gaga over how he’s feeling or thinking about what you are up to.

Do this once in a while, and you will never expect how your partner will behave once you two finally and literally get in touch. Include a few flashy see- through tight-hugging costumes in your wardrobe intended only for those occasions you want to pamper yourself before you get giddy in bed with your partner.

So, go ahead – pick up that beauty kit, iron out that sweet cute dress, and amaze him with how you look tonight.

7. Ooze With Confidence

Ooze With ConfidenceThe sexiest outfit a woman can wear is none other than confidence. This usually sweeps guys off their feet. Flaunt the natural boss in you.

Project an image that screams your intelligence. It’s something that will tell anyone you know exactly what you are doing. You earn your partner’s respect once he sees that you can manage.

It will make him proud that he has you, and no one else. This eventually gears up your sex appeal to the highest level. Imagine yourself going in a men’s room with all the poise and bearing a supermodel would be mad about. That self-esteem you exude will naturally get through to your man.

See, walk grand. Zip open the hallways of men with your all demanding physique and see those envious looks from fellow women while get that jaw-dropping stares from men.

Loving yourselfWhen you think you are at the brink of losing your self-love, which at the same time may be affecting your sex relationship with your partner, there are a few easy ways which will ease you out of that burden.Loving yourself first will get you all the lovelier in the eyes of your beau.

Nothing is more compelling than having a diverse bed partner who knows how to please her man on her own without the aid of any toys or any sex professionals. You will never realize there are, after all, a few ways you can revive your sex drive, which is easily drifting off to empty.

Deviate a little from the common expectations he has of you. Give your partner a little dose of the unexpected.

Love the feeling of making yourself pretty on behalf of nobody else but you. Your man will mirror the feeling and will likely return the favor.

supplementComplement any of these seven ways to boost your sex life with Provestra, a 100 percent safe, doctor-endorsed daily supplement, so you can experience the best pleasure you have ever dreamed possible.

This gives you the intense desire for lovemaking, as the pill dramatically increases your level of libido, leaving you with passionate and highly-aroused feelings. It also intensifies your regular orgasms, which only perfects your lovemaking sessions, and improves your relationship, too.