If you are a woman, you probably can relate to the following scenario: During one of your steamy sessions with your man, all of a sudden, your area down there refused to cooperate. Your man down there made sure he will spend enough time down south and yet, you are having a hard time getting – or staying – wet.
There is a solution to this in the form of a lubricant, but not the kind your man uses on his car engine. You may even know of other women who swear by coconut oil for vaginal dryness.
If you are like most of us, you are the organic, all-natural type, so, you searched the World Wide Web and found out about coconut oil for your vaginal dryness. You might be a bit wary about using coconut oil down there, but the truth is this natural product has so much to offer.
Here are 15 things you should know about vaginal dryness and coconut oil to combat those occasional dry spells.
1. Getting to the Root of the Problem: Vaginal Dryness 101
First, let us define and understand what vaginal dryness is.
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Vaginal dryness is a condition resulting from insufficient lubrication in the cervix. Oftentimes, this leads to inflammation and thinning of your vaginal walls. You will also experience itching, stinging, or burning sensation down there, which makes sex painful and uncomfortable.
Vaginal dryness, or vaginal atrophy in the medical world, is more common on women between 45 and 55 years old, which is also known as the menopause stage. An estimated 40 to 60 percent of menopausal women will experience dry spells along with itching, pain, burning and bleeding symptoms.
Even if vaginal dryness is common in older women, this doesn’t mean you are safe from this condition if you are below the age of 40. Even if you are younger than that, there is still a possibility you might experience vaginal dryness once in a while due to several factors, which you will learn more about in the next section.
2. Identifying the Culprit: The Causes of Dry Spells in Women
When it comes to vaginal dryness, there is one factor playing a major role that led to this condition. It’s called estrogen.
Estrogen is the hormone responsible for keeping your vagina well lubricated. Consequently, the vaginal lining is red, bright, plump, and moist. As you age, estrogen levels start to drop, causing changes in your body, including your vaginal area. This makes the vaginal lining drier, thinner, and less elastic, hence dry spell along with other menopause symptoms.
Does this mean ensuring normal levels for estrogen won’t cause vaginal dryness? Not necessarily.
Other causes of vaginal dryness are:
- Poor hygiene practices.
- Existence of medical conditions.
- Douching and soaps.
- Sjrogen’s syndrome
- Stress, anxiety, or depression.
- Lack of foreplay.
- An allergy from irritants.
Can you do something about it? The answer is yes. Read the next section to find out how to prevent your next drought down south.
3. Stopping the El Nino Phenomenon Down South: Effective Methods to Try
Vaginal dryness can cause pain and discomfort, thereby affecting your overall attitude towards sex. The good news is you can do something to stop a dry spell from paying you an unwelcomed visit.
Depending on the cause of dryness, here are some of the treatment options:
- Lubricant, which can be oil, water, or silicone-based.
- Use of vaginal moisturizers to help bring back the moisture down there.
- Herbal medicines that contain ingredients like wild yam and black cohosh to encourage lubrication.
- Vitamin E vaginal suppositories.
- Low-dose estrogen therapy such as vaginal creams, inserts or a vaginal ring.
- Hormone replacement therapy.
- Eat more phytoestrogen foods such as tofu, soy and flaxseed.
These treatments have their corresponding pros and cons; however, nothing beats going natural when it comes to preventing vaginal dryness from messing up with your sex life. By going natural, this means use of natural oils.
Natural oils like olive, grape seed, and sunflower are good products that could help combat dryness and bring back moisture down south. Apparently, there is one type of natural oil that stands out in this category: coconut oil.
Keep reading to know what coconut oil can do to solve those dry spell issues.
4. Getting Up Close and Personal With Coconut Oil
The list of super foods goes on and on, but one thing is for sure: you will see coconut oil as part of it.
What’s with coconut oil that makes it extra special?
Coconut oil is made by pressing the fat from the coconut’s white meat. At least 84 percent of its calories came from saturated fats, which explains its ability to withstand high cooking temperatures and having a longer shelf life.
Before you react on the saturated fat, you should know that the oil’s saturated fat is made of medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs, which are known to boost good cholesterol, among others. This also explains why people who consume coconut, like the Tokelauans from South Pacific and Kitavans, are healthiest and with no evidence of heart disease.
5. Revealing Evidence: The Many Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Many people are raving about coconut oil and what it could do for your health. The question is what.
Aside from its MCT content that helps improve your blood cholesterol levels, here are some of the evidence-based health benefits of this superfood from the Pacific:
- Increases your energy expenditure, thereby enabling your body to burn more fat.
Kills harmful microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, and fungi.
- Reduces your hunger, which could positively affect your body weight in the long run.
- Helps you lose fat, particularly abdominal fat.
- Boosts brain function of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
Here is the best part: aside from boosting your health, coconut oil could also be your skin’s best friend. The next section will tell you what this superfood can do to boost your skin’s vitality and health.
6. More Than a Kitchen Staple: The Beautifying Uses for Coconut Oil
Perhaps you made a switch from vegetable oil to coconut oil in the kitchen because of the latter’s many health benefits. You also love the way it adds flavor to your salad and favorite dishes. Aside from the kitchen, what are the other ways you can enjoy this superfood from tropical countries?
Here are various coconut oil uses:
Coconut oil for hair to bring the moisture and shine back to your locks.
- Body oil to moisturize your skin and prevent flaking.
- An effective lip balm for dry, chapped lips.
- As a soothing cuticle softener.
- Safe as an under eye cream.
- Gentle for use as a makeup remover.
- As a sunscreen, which is capable of blocking up to 20 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays.
All of these uses will surely help you and make your life healthier. Did you know that coconut oil could even do more than these? Believe it or not, this superfood can help you in your bedroom drought problems.
Keep reading to know how coconut oil can help in solving vaginal dryness.
7. Understanding the Coconut Oil – Menopause Connection
As harsh as it may sound, aging is inevitable and menopause is unavoidable, too. Thankfully, there are many treatments and therapies to help you with menopause, so be sure to enlist in the help of your doctor.
There are ways to fight those mid-life symptoms, and, with menopause comes another annoying and common condition: vaginal dryness.
Vaginal dryness, especially during your middle years, is a result of a hormonal imbalance. Aside from this, you will often experience other menopausal symptoms such as:
- Hot Flashes
- Mood Swings
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Night Sweats
Here’s the bad news: these symptoms could take a toll on your sex life, especially vaginal dryness. The next thing you know, you are constantly saying no to your partner who is always in the mood. You might even find yourself spending hundreds of dollars for therapy, vaginal lubricants, and other products that will help you get your groove back in the bedroom.
The good news is there is a wallet-friendly way address vaginal dryness, and it goes by the name of coconut oil. Aside from the health and beauty benefits, coconut oil is an excellent solution to dry spell because its rich texture makes it is safer, gentler, and more soothing for your gentle area down there.
There are more reasons why you should use coconut oil for vaginal dryness, which you will learn more about below. In the meantime, find out the different ways you can use this superfood in the next section.
8. Three Ways to Use the Power of Coconut Oil for Vaginal Dryness
The good news is you can easily incorporate coconut oil in your daily routine. There are various ways you can use it too, such as these tricks:
Pills – Coconut oil pills are available in retail or herbal stores. Simply take the suggested dose daily and let coconut oil do its magic down there. You will surely notice an improvement.
- Oils or Creams – This is the most obvious way you can see the effects of coconut oil against vaginal dryness. Just apply two to three drops of organic coconut oil around your vagina two to three times a day to keep it plump and moisturized. You can use it as a lubricant too and an inexpensive one at that. Simply apply the oil few minutes before sex and you might be surprised to find out how long it lasts down there.
- Foods – This is another easy way to add coconut oil in your routine. In fact, one to two tablespoons a day could already make a difference.
In case you want a surefire way to avoid dryness with coconut oil, it won’t hurt if you try these three techniques, especially applying some few minutes before being with your special someone. The choice is yours.
9. The Good Side: Why You Should Use Coconut Oil for Vaginal Dryness
You know what vaginal dryness is and the different causes and treatments available. You also know what coconut oil is and what it can do to your health and body. You were also informed about how this superfood can help you manage dryness symptoms that make sex painful and uncomfortable.
The question now is why you should use coconut oil for vaginal dryness instead of your usual water-based lube. If you are still not convinced, here are few reasons you should re-consider coconut oil for vaginal dryness. Coconut oil is:
Inexpensive, safer, and cost-effective compared to the water or oil based lubricants you can buy in stores that may include chemicals and other harsh ingredients.
- Because of its rich texture, it can soothe and moisturize your vaginal area and allows the moisture to stay down there for as long as you need it.
- Is natural and preservative-free, making it a safer choice as opposed to traditional lubes.
- Has a low melting point, which makes it easier for your skin to absorb it.
- Contains natural antifungal properties, which reduce your risk of infections or any skin sensitivities.
- Packed with antibacterial properties that could also heal wounds and other vaginal infections.
- Easily accessible since you can find it in grocery stores, health stores, and even online.
- Does not give a foul taste or scent when applied down there. Your partner may even love how you taste and smell down south.
In other words, coconut oil is not only a safe and gentle lubricant, but it also ensures that your vaginal area is hydrated, moisturized and well-maintained. This could come in handy, especially if you are approaching menopause when your hormones are out of whack. Consequently, these are the reasons why some women are already making a switch and saying goodbye to their favorite commercial lubes.
Given these reasons, does this mean coconut oil is all good with no negative side effects? Not necessarily. The next section will tell you about the disadvantages of coconut oil for vaginal dryness.
10. The Down Side: Reasons You Can Postpone Its Use
Apparently, everything in this planet comes with downsides, too – and coconut oil is not exempt. Compared to vaginal moisturizers, creams, lubricants and other available treatment for vaginal dryness, coconut oil is the “lesser evil” among them all.
Here are the cons of using coconut oil:
Despite the lack of foul taste and smell, coconut oil still comes with a distinct nutty taste, which your partner may not like.
- It is not liquid in temperature, although you can warm it up in your hands in less than a minute.
- There is a possibility that you might buy the wrong type or a fake kind of coconut oil. Don’t worry. There are coconut oil buying tips towards the end of the article, so make sure to read through them.
- There is a risk of allergic reaction or sensitivity to coconut oil despite its natural ingredients.
If you notice any irritation, then discontinue use immediately.
11. Important Things to Remember When Using Coconut Oil Down South
Coconut oil is good for you, and there is no doubt about it. In fact, it can be your best friend to combat vaginal dryness. Still, there are few reminders you should remember to make sure that you will enjoy this supefood’s benefits.
Go over and remember these tips to maximize what coconut oil can offer you:
Not Condom-Friendly: Do not use coconut oil with latex condoms since it weakens the latex and increases the risk of breakage. If you plan to use coconut oil as a lube, ask your man to wear a polyurethane condom since it doesn’t break down easily.
- Allergies: Apply coconut oil in small area of your skin to check for any allergic reactions. Make sure you do the same on your partner’s skin, too.
- Not Conception-Friendly: In case you are trying to get pregnant, coconut oil as a lube – and any other lubricant – is not a good option. It tends to change your vagina’s pH level and affect the sperm’s ability to “swim” and meet its mate.
12. Vaginal Treatments: Have You Tried a Coconut Oil Lubricant Yeast Infection Therapy?

A yeast infection is a type of vaginal inflammation characterized by intense itchiness, irritation, and discharge caused by Candida fungus. You also often experience dryness and discomfort during sex, which is why you often say no.
There are several vaginal suppositories you can use to treat yeast infection. Just like in ordinary vaginal dryness, coconut oil could also address this and help you regain momentum inside the bedroom.
Here’s how coconut oil can help:
- The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil help in targeting harmful bacteria causing yeast infections.
- Coconut oil is a natural sweetener and could act as a sugar substitute that controls the growth of fungal yeast.
- Acts as a barrier against sensitive, irritated skin.
- It is also an antioxidant that effectively kills excess yeast and fungal overgrowth.
13. Where to Buy Coconut Oil: How to Choose the Best Product
If you are wondering where to get coconut oil, here’s good news for you: you can buy it almost anywhere. A trip to the grocery, local market, and health food stores won’t disappoint since coconut oil is available. You can even get your supply online from legitimate sellers such as Thrive Market and Amazon. During your trip, you might even find coconut oil suppository in case you are into supplements.
Here’s the catch: there are many fake sellers around and you have to be careful to read the real reviews from past customers. Otherwise, you might fall into their trap and pay them a good amount without realizing that you are getting the wrong product.
Coconut Oil Buying Tips
Go Virgin: Always go for virgin coconut oil since it is more pure and there are no chemicals needed to extract the coconut’s goodness.
- Save Money: Extra virgin coconut oil is no different than the virgin version, but more expensive.
- Be Refined: Don’t be afraid to use refined coconut oil. The benefits are still intact, sans the distinct coconut oil smell and flavor.
- Choose Cosmetic Coconut Oil: Liquid coconut oil is safe to use both on your skin and in the kitchen. However, this version is fractionated, which means some of the healthy aspects of coconut were removed to achieve the unique liquid characteristic.
- Skip the RBD: RBD coconut oil is a big no-no. It stands for refined, bleached, and deodorized, which means the oil was stripped off its best and healthy qualities.
- Cook with Culinary Coconut Oil: Go for refined organic coconut oil if you like your food to be healthy without the coconut taste.
14. The Price Tag: Saving Money When You Buy Coconut Oil
Here’s the thing: coconut oil is not the least expensive oil around. In fact, it might cost you $15 for a 15-ounce jar, $25 for 29-ounce jar, and almost $40 for 54-ounce jar of organic virgin coconut oil. It is a bit cheaper if you will use coconut oil as a beauty product since it would cost you $6 to $20 depending on the size and brand.
Is there a way you can save a few dollars? The answer is yes.
Online stores like Thrive Market put some of its coconut oil products on sale, giving you up to $10 of savings. If you have friends or family members who are into coconut oil, place an order together to minimize shipping costs.
Another way to save from the costs is to buy in bulk. You don’t have to worry about spoilage since coconut oil is stable and could last longer than any of its counterparts.
15. No Woman is an Island: Pointers to Prevent Vaginal Dryness
You already established that coconut oil is good not just for your skin and health, but also in treating vaginal dryness. Still, this doesn’t mean you should rely on coconut oil alone. The truth is coconut oil is one of the options that could help you with vaginal dryness. It still needs back up since this superfood cannot do it by itself.
Particularly for older women, coconut oil menopause treatments are the natural approach. Here are tips to help stop and prevent that drought down south:
Stay away from synthetic materials and go for cotton underwear to avoid irritation.
- Avoid scented or harsh soaps and cleansers when cleaning the area down there.
- Increase the amount of foreplay to encourage natural lubrication.
- Consider vaginal moisturizer to help bring back and maintain moisture and hydration down south.
- Use lubricant during sex to minimize pain and discomfort.
- Combat stress and keep it to its minimum.
- Say no to douche since it triggers more dryness and irritation.
Last Few Words on Coconut Oil
There are tons of available products to treat vaginal dryness, but if you want something safer, gentler, and more effective down there, then coconut oil might do the trick. Take note of these 15 tidbits about vaginal dryness and this superfood. The next time a dry spell attacks, keep in mind that coconut oil for vaginal dryness is the best way to go.