We all would like to knock our partner’s socks off in the bedroom. However, sometimes we might have obstacles in the way of our pique performance. Inadequate erections, low self-esteem, and lack of desire can all hinder our sexual performance. Yet, there are solutions to all of these issues; we simply need to establish the issue and search for safe and effective ways to fix it.
Menopause is no exception. Many ailments arise both at the onset and during the presence of menopause. However, as we mentioned before, there are many different solutions when it comes to fixing these issues.
The onset of menopause is no need to throw your sex life out of the window. Follow us as we discuss menopausal dryness and six ways to fix it.
What Is Vaginal Atrophy?
Vaginal atrophy is the thinning, dryness, and inflammation of the vaginal walls as a result of low estrogen levels.
Typically, vaginal atrophy occurs during and after menopause, yet women can also experience it at other times in their lives as well.
Women are susceptible to vaginal atrophy at anytime when estrogen levels drop. The typical times when this occurs are during breast-feeding and menopause. Vaginal atrophy can be a nuisance for many different reasons.
The most commonly heard complaint is that vaginal atrophy allows for sexual intercourse to become painful.
As a result of this, women find that their libido decreases, and therefore their sex lives plummet. Also, genital functioning is related to the urinary tract system, so many women complaining of vaginal atrophy also find that they have urinary system issues, as well.
The good news is that there are quite a few different options when looking to combat vaginal atrophy. Let’s discuss some of them.
1. Simple Suppositories
Vaginal suppositories work to help restore the functioning of the mucosal barrier of the vagina.
While the thought of a suppository is troublesome to many, they are actually not as bad as they sound.
Mostly all of the suppositories available today are made of a slippery consistency for easy application.
For a vaginal suppository, simply insert the little pill before bedtime and allow it to work its magic overnight.
Or, if you would rather use it during the day then that is fine as well; however, you may want to wear a panty liner as some minor vaginal secretion is possible.
Upon your doctor’s discretion, you can try some of these suppositories; some are even readily available over the counter.
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- Vitamin-E to Cure Your V: Vitamin E helps to stimulate the mucosal levels of the vagina while also increasing the levels of protective moisture. This in turn allows for a decrease in the risk of infection. These suppositories are labeled as very safe to use, and vitamin E suppositories are even sold over-the-counter and within many health-food stores.
Black Cohosh & Wild Yam: A Pairing for Your Privates: The combination of black cohosh and wild yam is favorable for many since it includes absolutely no hormones and chemicals.
Well, how does it work then?
Black cohosh contains many ingredients that have mild estrogen-like effects on your body, while wild yam mirrors estrogen-like effects as well.
Both of these ingredients will help to improve vaginal lubrication while supporting the longevity of the vaginal tissues.
It may be difficult to find these suppositories, as they are primarily available through naturopathic physicians. You may find some online, however we highly recommend you to work through your licensed physician.
2. Lube Up With Some Coconuts
Coconut oil is quite popular on the market lately. Many people use coconut oil for teeth whitening, massage oil, stretch mark prevention, and even sunburn care. However, we are here to talk about how coconut oil works as a lubricant.

Coconut oil is cheap, tasteless, antibacterial, and lubricating. Therefore, you can directly apply coconut oil to the vagina or penis during sexual intercourse.
This natural lubricant can be applied as much as one desires. It will never become sticky or painful like other lubricants available over the market.
If the thought of slabbing on coconut oil is bothersome, then you can also take it in pill form. It is important to note that the pill form may take some time to become active, while the lubricant is immediate so there is no need to wait.
3. Moisturizer Magic
Other than lubricants, moisturizers are important to vaginal health, as well. One associates vaginal atrophy and its annoyance specifically with sexual intercourse, however vaginal atrophy affects a woman and her daily routine around the clock. The dryness can create itchiness, which then leads to constant discomfort and possibly infection.
Therefore, it is important to moisturize as much as possible. Please note that lubricants should be used during sex, while moisturizers should be used at all other times.

Moisturizers during sex may cause burning and decreased friction since they are not intended for sexual activity.
Popular lubricant companies also create vaginal moisturizers. Such popular companies include: K-Y, Fresh Start, Silk-E and Replens.
However, you can also find natural moisturizers, as well. Ingredients such as aloe vera gel, sesame oil, tea tree oil and turmeric works as a homemade vaginal moisturizer.
Creating your own DIY vaginal moisturizer may seem to be a daunting task; yet it is as easy as dabbing it directly to the vaginal lips. For example, grab a cotton pad, soak some aloe vera gel onto the pad, and gently dab it on gently. It is truly that simple, and it will smell wonderfully.
In addition to applying ingredients into and onto our vagina, we should also watch the ingredients we ingest that can affect our vaginal health.
4. Watch What You Put Into Your Body
Much of a woman’s diet contributes to her vaginal lubrication. Therefore, if you are experiencing vaginal atrophy then we highly recommend you to analyze your diet and make sure you are following some of these guidelines.
Stay Hydrated: It might sound a little too simple, but dehydrating is one of the leading causes of vaginal dryness. Try drinking the required amount of water, which is about eight to ten eight ounce glasses per day.
We are sure you will see some difference in your vagina’s ability to create some moisture.- Wear The Correct Underwear: Many women are wearing underwear that actually attributes to their vagina’s dryness. Those stretchy, sexy thongs can indeed make it more difficult for the vagina to create secretions.
It is highly advised to always wear cotton underwear to promote proper airflow throughout the genitals.
Cotton underwear will help prevent itchiness and dryness of the vagina. - Take In The Proper Amount of Various Nutrients: Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids help promote vaginal moisture. Adding some fish, such as salmon and tuna, to your diet can help reduce vaginal atrophy. Also, various fruits, like watermelon and cherries are great in addition to broccoli and other vegetables. Other foods include omega-3 fatty acids, like flax seed, nuts, and olive oil. Therefore, watching your diet can help reduce vaginal atrophy.
5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
In addition to examining diet and water intake, there are a few other factors that you should check. Factors such as baths can actually cause vaginal dryness.
Think about it: if you are frequently bathing with harsh chemicals then it may become impossible for your genitals to moisturize.
Also, some scented soaps can be a little too rough for the genitals, so it is best that you purchase more delicate, genital-friendly soaps.
Douching is also a lead factor in vagina health; it is always recommend to research before using a douche, as some ingredients can be harmful to the vaginal walls and secretions.
The consumption of vinegar and yogurt is too acidic for the body and can create the inability of vaginal moisturizing.
Also, some scented perfumes might be lying dormant in items that you never even thought of, such as toilet paper, laundry detergent and hand lotions.Think of all the different factors that affect your vagina’s ability to lubricate, and do your best to eliminate them wherever possible.
6. Consult Alternative Medicine
A doctor might recommend prescription medications at the earliest mention of vaginal atrophy, but there actually are more natural effective options before you consider hormone therapy.
For example, many natural supplements have been tested and proven to work.
Remember the suppositories we mentioned earlier? There are other pill forms that work just as well.
Some claim that probiotics help the lubricating abilities of the vagina, while others swear by vitamins D and E. What we do know is that various companies are now creating natural yet effective pill forms for vaginal lubricant.
One such company would be Provestra.com. Provestra not only helps promote healthy vaginal lubrication, but also a healthy sex life.
Provestra is a natural means to discover a new and enhanced libido, pleasurable orgasms, and sensual intimacy – all in addition to the vaginal lubricant that we first sought after. Purchase a product from Provestra.com today to ensure that you have your sexy bedroom life back in no time.
The onset of menopause is no need to panic or assume that your sex life is over.
In fact, there are many different options for a woman experiencing menopause, or another reason for vaginal atrophy such as breast-feeding, to gain her vaginal health back.
Restoring our sex lives back to where they were when we were in our 20’s is such a rejuvenating thought. Following some of our simple steps can keep you from experiencing vaginal atrophy.