A lot of men complain about their partners not having enough energy or always feeling tired in bed. As a result, they channel their sexual urge to other women and cheat.
To avoid this, here are essential herbs to boost your sex drive that are proven to bring back the spark in your bedroom.
12 Herbs For Boosting Libido: The Herbal Ingredients
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Herbs are useful in treating a lot conditions. Herbs are packed with a lot of benefits and are better alternative since side effects, if any, are reduced. If one of your concerns is how to boost female libido, herbal ingredients can be your best option.
There are a lot of herbs that are useful not just to increase your libido but also to improve sensation and orgasm during intimate encounters with your partner. Some of the herbs that help increase sex drive in women are:
This herb helps increase blood circulation in the body. As a result, clitoris and vaginal cells are more responsive when it comes to sex. In fact, a study was made which involves 77 women taking L-Arginine.
It showed that 73.5% of them had an increased orgasm, better sexual satisfaction and improved clitoral sensation when Arginine was taken.
- Bishop’s Hat.
This is also known as Horny goat weed. This is the most famous aphrodisiac and one of the best natural herbs to increase a woman’s libido. It increases the blood flow in the genital area and at the same time, it boost the sensitivity of sexual nerves and sex drive among women.
Black Cohosh.
This herb is also known as squawroot. It is known to have estrogen-like effects and help balance hormone levels on women.
It also aids in treating the symptoms of menopause, low libido and vaginal dryness.
- Damiana.
One of the known herbs to increase sex drive in women is damiana. It increases the sex drive and keeps the reproductive organs healthy. It also reduces stress, panic and anxiety especially during sexual act.
- Dong Quai.
A natural Chinese herb, Dong Quai is known as the “ultimate herb” when it comes to women’s health and wellness. It balances hormones, reduces the symptoms of PMS and assists in regular blood flow.
Fennel Seed.
Fennel Seeds contains phytoestrogen. This compound works the same with the hormone estrogen and boost female libido.
Also, fennel seeds help regulate menstruation, reduce symptoms of menopause and increase milk supply for nursing mothers.
- Ginger.
For many years, ginger is used to aid digestion. It also increases blood circulation which leads to enhanced sensitivity in the erogenous zones.
Gingko Biloba.
One of the herbs for boosting sex drive in women is gingko biloba. It helps improve sexual libido, desire and excitement in bed. It also helps attain better orgasms.
- Ginseng.
This herb has been used by Chinese for centuries. It is believed to have estrogen-like effects on the body.
In fact, it is also used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners because it contains ginsenosides, a compound that helps improve strength and promote longevity. It also helps relieve premenstrual symptoms.
- Kacip Fatimah.
This herb is a leafy plant found in Malaysia. For 500 years, it has been used by Malaysian women to cure loss of sex drive. It is also known to revitalize the female sex organ, increase blood flow in the clitoris and vagina, improve orgasm and boost your sex drive.
- Maca Root.
This herb is known to balance and encourage the production of estrogen and progesterone – the hormones in charge of increasing sexual drive in women.
It also helps improve vaginal dryness while it restores sexual drive. It also contains essential vitamins and nutrients for better health.
Rose Root.
Rhodiola rosea is beneficial for producing neurotransmitters called monoamines. Having balanced monoamines can help treat conditions such as fatigue and fibromyalgia. Further, rose root helps regulate menstrual periods, enhances the function of the thyroid glands and increase sexual libido.
Provestra: Herbal Supplement To Increase Sex Drive for Women
When it comes to boosting your sex drive, consider Provestra. It is 100% safe and doctor recommended daily supplement designed to increase your sexual desire.
It also contains the highest quality of natural herbs and aphrodisiacs to increase your libido. At the same time, it helps balance the hormones and supply your reproductive system with the essential nutrients to keep it healthy.
In seven days, you will be able to see the results such as:
- Increased sex drive.
- More vaginal lubrication.
- Improved sensation in the genital area.
- Quicker body arousal.
- Better orgasms.
By taking Provestra, it will be able to boost female libido. Once again, you will look forward to having intimate sessions with your partner, At the same time, you will no longer feel that making love is a chore you need to comply with.