Did you know that millions of women around the world suffer from low sex drive? That’s right.
After all, having sex is the last thing in your mind after working for nine hours with kids that you have to attend to after a long day.If you are one of those who suffer from “honey, not tonight,” or “honey, I’m tired” syndrome, then do not fret.
You are not alone. Many others feel the same way.
The good news is you can get your groove back in bed. Although there is no magic formula, here are tips on how to increase sexuality in women, so you can find out which works for you.
Triggering Female Libido
Here is the real deal: Men are turned on easily. Men like to look at the women’s physical appearance, and can turn on the switch instantly. On the other hand, the sexuality of women is more into the emotional interaction and connection and not the body parts alone, although it is a plus factor, too.
Think about this, why is the romance department very popular? It’s because many women, including you perhaps, have a need for love and intimacy. It is a part of adulthood, and is what make a woman feel complete.
You long for a personal connection before you actually have sex.
At the same time, there are also psychological cues, which you tend to look into such as personality, level of commitment, authenticity of emotions, confidence, attitude towards children and even smell.
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In other words, women are influenced by expressions of love, rather than sexual fantasies and erotic feelings. The more you talk, the more you can see what kind of man he is and gauge whether he adores you or not.
The better your partner understands you and your sexual needs, the higher your self-esteem and feeling of worthiness, which makes it easier for you to unfold yourself and your desires without any inhibitions.
Is There a Way to Increase Sexuality in Women?
What if the emotional and psychological cues are not working for you? Can you still bring back your sex drive? The answer is yes. Increasing sexuality in women may be complicated compared to men. If your sex drive decided to take a pause, here are tips on how to increase sexuality in women that can help jumpstart your libido.
7 Strategies to Increase Libido:
Improve Blood Flow. Studies show that good blood flow in a man’s penis can help a lot in getting and maintaining an erection.
Did you know that you need it too? Keep in mind that your health depends on how the blood flows efficiently from your heart and lungs to other parts of your body.
This means the more blood flows in your sex organ, the more intense your orgasm will be.- Get Rid of Extra Weight. When was the last time you hit the gym or at least went out for a jog? If you want to get your groove back in bed, then regular exercise can help.
It increases your endurance for sex, boosts blood flow in your area down there, and promotes better muscle strength and flexibility.
In addition, exercise enhances your self-image too which can lead to improved sex drive. Kick Bad Habits. Smoking is not good for your health. Period. Aside from your lungs, which suffers big time, smoking can affect the blood flow in your sex organ, which can cause your blood vessels to narrow.
In addition, you know how important good blood flow is, right? At the same time, no man wants to kiss a girl smelling like an ashtray.- Avoid High Cholesterol. Did you know that a high cholesterol diet could affect your sex drive too?
According to an article posted in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries, including the walls in your pelvic area.
Once the blood flow in the pelvic area is restricted, there will be less sensation in your genitals, which will be difficult for you to orgasm. Address Your Personal Issues. Repressed anger, depression, unresolved trauma, stress or other personal issues can affect your libido in a big way.
In addition, one of the best ways to address sexuality in women is to learn how to face and solve these issues.
You can seek professional assistance or if it helps, have someone you can talk to, so you can sort through your feelings.
You can even talk to your partner and open up about how you feel.
Communication builds trust and trust is needed in the relationship.Give You And Your Partner a Break. Many sex therapists will say that one of the ways to bring the spark back in the bedroom is by having a date night with your partner.
Again, women are more concerned with the emotional connection in order to build intimacy.
If you want to add spice in the bedroom, go out with your partner and focus on giving each other pleasure instead of the typical sex and mandatory orgasms.Change The Way You Look at Yourself. The hard truth is how you look at yourself will translate to your actions in bed too.
If you don’t feel pretty or sexy or you always get irritated easily, then do not expect a high libido.
Have a positive attitude about yourself and start to focus on your strengths and assets instead of the flaws
Supplements to Increase Sexuality in Women
Are you looking for a supplement that can increase your desire for sex? If yes, then you should try a supplement like Provestra.
It is a female libido enhancement pill that is made of natural herbs, nutrients and aphrodisiacs that are proven to balance the hormones associated with the female reproductive system.
At the same time, Provestra aims to restore balance in your body in the most natural way possible.
And the result? You will experience intensified sexual sensations, increased vaginal lubrication, quicker body arousal and added passion to your intimate counters.
If you are looking for a pill that can increase sexuality in women, Provestra is the best choice. Try it now and see for yourself. If you are not happy with the results, that’s okay. You can get your money back, 100 percent guaranteed.